Access the remarkable Catechetical Institute workshops in 2025
You are invited to create your CI account today to access over 120 inspiring workshops, for free.
Days of Formation with Dr Bill Keimig
Register now for one of two opportunities for Formation on O/RCIA with Dr Bill Keimig in June! A day for clergy or a day open to all.
Register Now - Formation Fayre - 8 June 2024
Are you interested in learning more about your faith and helping others to do the same? Register now for our Formation Fayre on Saturday 8 June!
Save the Date - Formation Fayre - 8 June 2024
On Saturday 8 June 2024 we will be gathering together as those interested in adult ongoing Formation. Places to be booked online next spring!
Unlock the Power of Formation-Based Small Groups
This online workshop (26 October at 7.30pm) will empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to create and run effective formation-based small groups.
Faith and the Workplace - Catholics in Health and Social Care: ethics and practice
Are you looking for an opportunity to meet people motivated by their faith to care for others? Would you like to explore the unique contribution that faith makes to the health and social care sector? Are you interested in learning about the ethical challenges work in this sector may bring?
Deanery Mentor Information Evening
Join us online on the 20th October to discover more about what it is to be a Deanery Mentor!
Answering God’s Call
Join us online on the 7th October for an evening of testimony and formation
Learning in Lockdown
During the second national lockdown, the Agency would like to highlight various opportunities for remote and online faith development.
Parish Devotional Life in a Time of Pandemic
Some parishes have been more successful than others in preserving the devotional life of the parish. In a series of resource posts over coming weeks, we will share some examples of what has been fruitful.