We open our hearts to God’s love as we prepare to welcome Christ into our lives and our homes
Advent Resources
Advent Resources - Building Traditions
The ‘O’ Antiphons
Based on Old Testament Scripture texts, each ‘O’ Antiphon addresses Jesus Christ with one of his Messianic titles. Prayed since the 8th Century in the seven days before Christmas Eve, the 'O' Antiphons allow us the opportunity to meditate on Christ, his coming and what he means for us.
The Crib or Creche
Building cribs in the home was widely promoted from the thirteenth century, influenced by St Francis of Assisi's crib in Greccio. They provide an occasion for the members of the family to encounter the mystery of Christmas, as they gather for a moment of prayer or to read the biblical accounts of the Lord's birth.
The Advent Wreath
The Advent wreath, with the progressive lighting of its four candles, Sunday after Sunday, until Christmas, is a recollection of the various stages of salvation history prior to Christ's coming and a symbol of the prophetic light gradually illuminating the long night prior to the birth of the Light of the World.
Advent Lectio Resources
Created to support the Synodal Process in Southwark, these resources are intended for small groups or meeting facilitators to encourage prayer-filled listening and intercession for the diocese. As we journey together towards the Lord’s birth and anticipate his Second Coming, let us join in prayer.
Weekly Scripture Meditations
Daily Reflections
The Spirituality Commission of the Archdiocese are offering a series of short, daily reflections straight to your email inbox. These focus on the particular readings of the day.
An Advent Journey
Fr Michael Winstanley, a Salesian of Don Bosco, at the invitation of Bishop Pat Lynch, leads us into the Gospel of Mark with a series of three short talks. The Gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four gospels and is told at a breakneck pace. In these three videos, Fr Michael offers us the chance to slow down with St Mark.
In addition to the three videos below, you will find PDF documents to accompany each video which feature outlines provided by Fr Michael with quotes and the main themes. You might well consider meeting as a small group (in person, should circumstances permit, or online) to discuss the themes and ideas in the videos. A guide on the use of Zoom for this purpose can be found via the button below and we would encourage the addition of a time of short prayer together before your discussion as we prepare for Christ’s coming.
In this first video, Fr Michael explores the person of Jesus Christ from the beginning of Mark; the story as foretold by the prophets; John the Baptist; the Baptism of Jesus; the testing of Jesus and the proclamation of God’s reigning.
The Twelve
In the second video, Fr Michael looks at the Twelve, the apostles of Jesus Christ, through their call, being sent, from their misunderstandings to gradual understanding and a specific look at the Last Supper.
Opposition & the ‘Little People’
The third and final talk looks at the minor characters and the controversies faced by Jesus as we move towards his passion, death and resurrection.

Advent Scriptural Meditation Zoom resource for parishes on the theme of peace (week 4)