Resources for Prayer, Formation and Growth
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.
(Colossians 4:2)
Parish Devotions
These simple resources are intended to help parishes and parishioners maintain a devotional pattern during this time of pandemic using digital means. If your parish is doing something interesting, WhatsApp prayer chains, online chaplets, faith-sharing and intercessory prayer via Skype, please let us know using the button below.
Coronavirus Essentials
For catechesis and formation events, it is important to take into account the appropriate government or institutional guidance and complete any mandated paperwork before starting.
Physical Events
The Property Team at the Archdiocese of Southwark have confected a risk assessment form for parish church and parish halls. Please note that if your parish has already completed one of these, you may simply need to acquaint yourself with its contents or update where necessary. If your parish has not completed a risk assessment and submitted it to the diocese, a new one will need to be done. We also offer a set of guidelines for cleaning, and tracking participation, in light of government guidance. Again, please note these may change at short notice.
Online Events
The Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service (CSAS) have produced guidance on safeguarding whilst using videoconferencing platforms for ministry. Many of the principles remain for catechesis or online formation. We are also glad to offer a simple and excellent guide to online technology produced by the Forming Missionary Disciples team.