Learning for the love of God,
sharing the Gospel for the love of the other
Formation for Mission
Lissette C. Jeannet (Formation Advisor)
Lissette is the Advisor for Adult Formation and Missionary Discipleship. She participated in the renowned Catechetics programme at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, receiving her B.A. in Theology. Lissette has over 20 years of experience working in a variety of pastoral ministries including children’s catechesis, sacramental preparation, youth work, retreats, Bible studies, adult formation, resource development, and volunteer training. Originally from southern California, Lissette lives in southwest London with her husband and son. She enjoys old films, classic literature, good food, and firmly believes British cheese is much better than American.
What is Formation?
Formation is an answer to the call to growth and a continual process in the maturation of faith, of always bearing much fruit. Every single Christian is charged with a gradual and lifelong process in which we are ever-growing in spiritual and dogmatic formation. God grants us the dignity of appointing us to be labourers in His vineyard. Formation not only equips us to answer this call, but empowers us to thrive in it. By virtue of our baptism, every Christian is compelled to embrace the ever ongoing advancement of spiritual development and familiarity with the teachings of the Church.
“The Formation of the lay faithful must be placed among the priorities of a diocese.” (Chrisifideles Laici, 57)
How is it served?
The Agency works with parishes in the Archdiocese of Southwark to plan and provide for the formation of adults. The Agency is actively engaged in locating and recommending resources and short courses for the various different areas of adult formation (e.g. biblical, liturgical, doctrinal) and developing specific resources where needed. Should parishes wish for an advisor's visit or simply to discuss issues relating to adult formation they are welcome to contact us via email formation@rcaos.org.uk.
The Agency also offers the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies primarily, though not exclusively, for teachers in our Catholic schools.
Read more
For more on what the Church encourages regarding the development and formation of the lay faithful see The Lay Members of Christ's Faithful People (known by its Latin title Christifideles Laici) which can be downloaded via the button below.