Additional Needs Network
Do you have the privilege of working with someone who experiences additional or ‘special’ needs?
Do you ever feel it would be helpful to be in contact with other catechists in similar positions to share: Experiences, Knowledge, Resources, Anxieties,
Small-successes-that-nobody-else-would notice?
Consider joining the Additional Needs Network in the Archdiocese of Southwark. Currently a small group but eventually hoping to create mutually supportive links between all people who accompany special individuals towards the Sacraments etc.
There are members of the Additional Needs Network across the diocese, from Broadstairs in Thanet to Lewisham and Streatham. To register your interest, click on the button below or email our Additional Needs Mentor, Chris Henley additionalneeds@rcaos.org.uk
Part of the Some Definite Service volunteer missionary network.