Day for Catechists 28 September 2024

Christ as a pilgrim, Szymon Czechowicz, 18th Century, Museum of the Warsaw Archdiocese, Poland

Christ as a pilgrim, Szymon Czechowicz, 18th Century, Museum of the Warsaw Archdiocese, Poland


Saturday 28 September

10:00am Arrivals, registrations and tea/coffee 

11:00am Welcome and practical notices by the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis Director 

11:05am Keynote Address: Hope and Catechesis by Sr Hyacinthe DeFos Du Rau OP

12noon Session 1 (choice of workshop) 

1:00pm Lunch (bring your own) and Bookstalls (AEC Mission Deck, CTS stall) 

1:45pm Session 2 (choice of workshop) 

2:45pm Session 3 (choice of workshop) 

4:00pm Commissioning Mass, to be celebrated by Bishop Philip Moger, followed by graduation ceremony for students. 

Keynote Address - Hope and Catechesis by Sr Hyacinthe Defos du Rau OP

What is the place of hope in catechesis? As a preparation for the Jubilee Year, 'Pilgrims of Hope', we will discover what Christian hope is, how we can be strengthened in hope as catechists, and how we can dispose others to hope in God through our catechesis.

Sr Hyacinthe Defos du Rau, OP is a member of the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph and an Associate Academic member of staff at the Maryvale Institute. She helps run an Apostolate of the Dominican Sisters providing catechetical formation - 

Session 1 workshops

A new set of Sacramental Guidelines will be published in 2025. We invite you to be part of the process. These sessions will provide a chance to share your difficulties and joys so the guidelines can better reflect and serve your needs as a parish catechist. There will be a choice of three workshops;

A. Baptism Catechesis facilitated by Fr Marcus Holden and Ingrid La Trobe

B. First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation facilitated by Mark Nash and Niklas Carlsson

C. Confirmation facilitated by Daniel Ferguson and Karen North

Session 2 Workshops

A. Inclusive Catechesis for Reconciliation: Preparing People with Additional Needs

Sr Carino Hodder, OP and Fr Behruz Raf’at, Parish Priest, St Andrew’s Tenterden

This workshop will outline the Church's teaching on how catechesis can and should be adapted for people with additional needs seeking the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and give some practical guidance on how this can be done. It will cover topics such as catechising a person with barriers to learning, discerning right disposition, and adapting the reception of the sacrament itself for a person with limited or no verbal communication.

D. How do we understand the role of the Spiritual Works of Mercy in our Catechesis

Fr John Howard, Assistant Priest, Tunbridge Wells Parish

The Spiritual Works of Mercy have long been a part of the Christian tradition, appearing in the works of theologians and spiritual writers throughout history. The 2025 Jubilee Year is an opportunity to practice these works of mercy and incorporate teaching on them in your catechesis.

B. The Drama of Human Dignity

Fr Mark Wharton, Chaplain, University of Kent

'So God created man in his own image, in the image and likeness of God he created him; male and female he created them'. (Gen 1:27). An exploration of what it means to be truly human. This workshop will support Baptism, RCIA and Confirmation catechesis in particular.

E. I believe, we believe: Teaching aspects of the creed following catechetical criteria

Dr Caroline Farey, Annunciation Catechesis

The Apostles' Creed has some strong concepts in it for today’s world. The Church's catechetical criteria (for example beauty and the priority of grace) help us teach these with love and truth. This workshop will explore how to do this.

C. Effective Prayer for Fruitful Catechesis

Niklas Carlsson, Planning Co-ordinator, AEC and member of Cor et Lumen Christi

Fruitful catechesis is underpinned by effective prayer: “When catechesis is permeated by a climate of prayer, the assimilation of the entire Christian life reaches its summit.” (DC 86)

In this workshop we will be exploring fundamental principles about prayer; how these principles are expressed in Church teaching and demonstrated in the Scriptures; and how you can apply these principles to effective intercession for those you teach.

Session 3 Workshops

A. Blazing a trail - How our saints model and guide us to become Pilgrims of Hope

Fr Marcus Holden, Episcopal Vicar for Evangelisation and Catechesis

In this talk Fr Marcus will look at the saints of Southwark, and their shrines, and how they give us great example and inspiration for our journey of faith. They show us that we are part of greater story of providence and that we have our mission now. The saints give us hope.

D. Exploring the New Lectionary

Pierpaolo Finaldi, CEO and Publisher of the Catholic Truth Society

‘For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword.’ (Hebrews 4:12) An opportunity to hear from the publisher of the new Lectionary, look at resources for preparing Lectors and parishioners as well as explore anew what it means to hear the word of God proclaimed at Mass, and in our catechesis.

B. Catechesis for Conversion – an evangelistic approach.

Daniel Ferguson, Evangelisation and Outreach Advisors, AEC

Catechesis can often feel like a process to get people through. However, John Paul II tells us that “The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ” (Catechesi Tradendae, 5). How can we place this goal at the heart of our Catechesis?

E. What is a Jubilee and what opportunities are there for catechesis in my parish?

Ingrid La Trobe, Family, Child and Youth Catechesis Advisor, AEC

2025 is a Year of Jubilee in the Church, a year of special graces for God's people. Come and explore how you can experience this grace most fruitfully in your catechesis in the coming year.

C. Liturgy of the Word for Children - A Pilgrim Journey

Dr Mark Nash, Director, AEC

Amid the busyness of modern life, preparation for the Sunday liturgy can be pressured and looking ahead can seem a luxury. This session will reflect on what benefits a long-term view of Liturgy of the Word for Children can bring.