Are you called to be a Deanery Mentor?
The process to become a Deanery Mentor reflects the importance and exciting nature of the role. After an initial application, you will be invited to speak to an advisor and to continue prayerfully discerning this voluntary role. A period of training will allow for reflection on the nature of Deanery Mentorship and will, God willing, result in commissioning by the Archbishop. As you undertake the role, and the adventure it represents, you will be offered further training and ongoing support.
1. Once you have read through the Role of a Deanery Mentor booklet, and perhaps already expressed interest, we invite you to take a time of prayer and then:
2. Once you have completed the Statement of Interest and Suitability we would please encourage you to fill in this form below:
3. We would then invite you to upload your completed Statement of Interest and Suitability by uploading your file below:
If you have any difficulties uploading your documents please email aec@rcaos.org.uk.
Discernment and Prayer
Continue to pray for personal, parish and diocesan renewal. You may wish to use this prayer below, or another of your choosing.
After your application has been accepted you will be invited to an introductory discussion with a couple of members of the diocesan advisory team including the advisor of your particular area.
Initial Candidate Training
Following your introductory discussion you will be invited to explore further what it means to be a Deanery Mentor.
This will include a 6-week faith study group alongside other candidates, further orientation on the mission of the Agency and some small elements of training.
This time is intended to provide you with opportunities to better understand what the role demands, as well as starting to equip you with some of the tools necessary for the role. You will also have a chance to pose any questions you may have so that your decision to commit is well informed.
After your acceptance of the role of Deanery Mentor, your application will be put to the Dean and your Area Bishop.
You will then be commissioned by the Archbishop as Deanery Mentor for your specific area.