Parish Plans
Some Definite Service comprises a volunteer network supporting each parish in the development and delivery of their own plan for Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation, underpinned by prayer.
The point of parish activity, certainly in the areas of Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation, is to bring people to intimacy and communion with Jesus Christ. Whatever we do, this is our goal.
As no parish is the same, it is important that each parish formulates its own plan by reflecting and considering the good work already undertaken whilst also looking to see the areas where growth is possible.
Archbishop John recently wrote:
‘It is often tempting just to repeat what has been done before, or to focus primarily on implementing the things that are practical, procedural, and regulatory. These are important, but I want to encourage you to think again with a missionary heart; to look at your parish and community and try to discern how things might move forward in new ways.’
The work of sharing the faith and building up missionary disciples is ‘live’, these plans are not to be static but living, and can be renewed each year, evaluated locally and adapted to changing circumstances and hopefully, with the grace of God, to growth.
As more parishes go through the process, and review their activity, a wonderful picture will emerge enabling the sharing of good practice and solutions to problems that others are encountering. We will also see dozens, hundreds, of initiatives demonstrating the determination to give an account of the hope that lies within our communities (cf. 1 Pt 3:15).
The Parish Plans Booklet
These materials have been created to support a planning process in a small group setting and contain a suggested pattern to create a plan following a process of VISION, REALITY, PLAN. You can download a PDF via the button below. Additional materials are available below.
We recommend that you concentrate on one area - Evangelisation, Catechesis or Formation - at a time.
Submit your Plan
You are invited to upload the different components of your Plan (your parish vision, the reality of your situation and what you plan to do) using the online form (link below). The form poses questions about your context and then focuses on Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation.
You can submit multiple times.
Support through the Process
Initial Direct Support - Activation Days
Enrol a group of people from your parish (ideally between 4 to 10 people, including Parish Leads, if possible) to attend one of the upcoming ‘activation days’ which will offer facilitated conversations and practical sessions towards the development of your plan. Spaces limited.
Surgeries with Agency Team Members
Each of these surgeries will be a maximum of one hour long are bookable via our bookings page. We aim to have, at a minimum, 72 hours of advisors’ time available for these surgery calls over the next two months.
Fully Accompanied Parish-based Process
We also have a limited capacity to support individual parishes in the development of a plan (which comprises, at least, four evening sessions - SDS, VISION, REALITY, PLAN for each of the three areas: Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation).
During the pilot planning process, such support has proved helpful in discerning unforeseen needs and the development of creative solutions.
If fully accompanied support is needed, please email aec@rcaos.org.uk
Additional Resources
Methods and ways of proclaiming the Good News in and outside the parish
Below you have a choice of Scripture passages and a variety of prompt questions to stimulate discussion as you develop your plans.
Education in the faith of children and young people towards the fullness of the Christian life
Below you have a choice of Scripture passages and a variety of prompt questions to stimulate discussion as you develop your plans.
The lifelong process for adults in intellectual, moral and spiritual growth
Below you have a choice of Scripture passages and a variety of prompt questions to stimulate discussion as you develop your plans.
Additional Resources
Some Definite Service
Some Definite Service, the diocesan-wide approach for parish growth in evangelisation, catechesis, and formation supported through local people, plans, and prayer.
Reviewing the Plan
Determine your review cycle. Do you want to review your new initiative (or improvement of existing activity) in 3, 6 or 12 months, for example? What indicators will demonstrate the effectiveness and fruitfulness of the initiative? Help can be found in the document below.
“In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples. All the baptised, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelisation, and it would be insufficient to envisage a plan of evangelisation to be carried out by professionals while the rest of the faithful would simply be passive recipients. The new evangelisation calls for personal involvement on the part of each of the baptised.”
— Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium 120