Volunteer Network Code of Conduct Download the Code of Conduct for those involved in the volunteer missionary network (PDF, October 2022) Volunteer Handbook Archdiocese of Southwark Volunteer Handbook (Word, 2021) Deanery Mentor: Booklet Deanery Mentor information booklet (PDF, 2021) Parish Lead: Booklet Parish Lead information booklet (PDF, 2021) Parish Lead: FAQ for priests Parish Lead one-sheet for priests (PDF, September 2022) Glossary of Terms for Some Definite Service Terms used by the Agency for members of the network and priests (PDF, December 2022) SDS Publicity Poster: General Publicity Poster for SDS (PDF, June 2022) Poster: People Publicity Poster about SDS, encouraging people to participate (PDF, June 2022) Poster: Plans Publicity Poster about SDS, highlighting Parish Plans (PDF, June 2022) Poster: Prayer Publicity Poster about SDS, showing the centrality of prayer to the work (PDF, June 2022) SDS Flyer Flyer for event distribution regarding SDS (PDF, February 2021)