Some Definite Service.
God has created me to do Him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission… I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons.
These great words of St John Henry Newman continue to inspire our vision, that each one of us are called to play our part, that all of us have a particular work to do in helping Southwark become a missionary Archdiocese. Perhaps you are called to be a Deanery Mentor or a Parish Lead? Perhaps you are called to support your parish by getting involved in sharing new ideas for Evangelisation? Perhaps you are called to keep up the good work you are already part of? Discover more below.
Some Definite Service is the diocesan-wide approach for parish growth in Evangelisation, Catechesis, and Formation supported through local people, plans, and prayer.
Some Definite Service: A missionary volunteer network
Deanery Mentors
Chosen from the parishes of the diocese, the Deanery Mentors will have a privileged position in supporting the renewal and growth of our parishes and communities, particularly in their support of the Parish Leads and supported themselves by the Diocesan Advisors.
Parish Leads
Working closely with each other and their Parish Priest, the Parish Leads will receive support and encouragement from the Deanery Mentors in order to practically implement the plans bespoke to their parish and inspire the many volunteers who contribute to the life of the parish.
Diocesan Advisors
Our team of advisors are here to walk alongside parishes as they put mission front and centre. They are here to help us discover and love the missionary identity of the Church in all three areas; Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation by primarily supporting the Deanery Mentors.
Parish Plans
No parish is the same and we have a diverse range across the diocese. Therefore it is important that each parish formulates its own plan by reflecting and considering the good work already undertaken whilst also looking to see the areas where growth is possible. Recognising the unique gifts and challenges within each parish, these plans will be strategic but not static - encouraging ongoing consultation.
Supported Volunteers
It is the goal and intention of the Agency and the diocese to invest time and energy in all involved in Some Definite Service. Your effort and gifts will never go under-appreciated. Ministry can often be isolating and we want to address this in a meaningful way. Our desire is that you become part of a large and highly-skilled, diocesan-wide team, seeking to bear fruit for the glory of God in Southwark.
Prayer for Renewal
None of this is possible without prayer. We need to be renewed ourselves. The Spirit of God is alive in each of us and it is the Spirit of God who will lead us forward. Let us trust that he will continue to reveal to us our particular missions so that we can become a truly missionary archdiocese. Let us pray that we may know more deeply the love of God for us and the hope he gives, so that others may also encounter him.
Are you called to be a Deanery Mentor?
Responding to the Call, Supporting Parish Leads, Energising our Diocese.
Deanery Mentors are playing a vital role in making our archdiocese missionary and evangelising.
There are a number of options you can take as your next step in discovering more about the role. Simply find out more by reading the booklet on the role of Deanery Mentor, find out if there is a vacancy in your Deanery or simply just step into the deep and apply!
Some Definite Service: Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation
We will support parishes in the work they are already doing to answer Jesus’ call to share His Good News as well as encourage new ideas which seek to create opportunities for all to encounter the Living God.
Since the early Church, the term ‘catechesis’ has been used to describe all the Church’s efforts to bring people to an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ, to help them sustain their belief that he is the Son of God.
We are all called to nourish and grow the gift of faith we have received. Formation not only equips us to answer this call, but empowers us to believe the truths of our faith so that we can share them with others.
Archbishop John Wilson and members of the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis outline the vision and plans for supporting parishes in the Archdiocese of Southwark as, together, we seek to become a 'missionary and evangelising archdiocese'.