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Share a Saint Story

  1. Choose a Saint: Choose one whose life and witness you admire, and whose story is relevant to your audience.

  2. Research: Do some research on the saint's life, including their upbringing, conversion story, and key events or accomplishments.

  3. Highlight Key Themes: Identify key themes or lessons from the saint's life that are relevant to your audience, such as love, service, sacrifice, or forgiveness.

  4. Tell the Story: Share the story in a way that is engaging and compelling, focusing on the key moments or events that illustrate the themes. Use vivid language and imagery to help the audience connect with the story.

  5. Make it Relevant: Connect the saint to the audience's own experience and struggles, showing how the lessons from the saint's life can be applied to their own lives.

  6. Emphasise the Saint's Faith: Throughout the story, emphasise the saint's deep faith in God and reliance on prayer and the sacraments.

  7. Invite Response: Finally, invite the audience to respond to the saint's story by applying the lessons learnt to their own lives, and by seeking to deepen their own faith in God..



Jesus Challenge