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Thresholds of Conversion

Thresholds of Conversion is a concept developed by Sherry Weddell in the book ‘Forming Intentional Disciples’. It outlines the stages individuals undergo in their spiritual journey towards becoming intentional disciples of Christ.

    1. Initial Trust: People often need a starting point for their faith journey. Here we must create environments where individuals can encounter the beauty of faith and experience unconditional love amidst suffering.

    2. Spiritual Curiosity: As questions about life and spirituality arise, individuals explore various beliefs. We can offer answers and engage in meaningful dialogue at this threshold.

    3. Spiritual Openness: As faith is seen as a real option, we can nurture an atmosphere where individuals sense faith's relevance to their lives.

    4. Spiritual Seeking: As actively seeking God through prayer and study becomes crucial, we provide resources and guidance to support their spiritual journey.

    5. Intentional Discipleship: The ultimate step involves committing one's life to Christ. Acknowledging this threshold encourages us to cultivate a supportive community that helps individuals grow in faith and discipleship.

The Thresholds of Conversion help us and our parishes to tailor our efforts to meet people where they are on their spiritual journey, facilitating their progress towards intentional discipleship.


