Volunteer Recruitment

We recognise one of the biggest challenges to mission is the number of volunteers. You have a great idea for an activity or initiative but there is no one to help make it come alive. We have put together these resources to assist you in recruiting more volunteers.

We will be continuing to add to these resources. If you have a question or a request for a resource in this area please reach out to us. Similiarly, if you have found a way that is working well for recruiting volunteers in your parish please do share that with us. You can reach us by email - aec@rcaos.org.uk

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The Challenge

We all know the challenge of identifying people to volunteer in the Church.

We have put together this resource to help.

Jesus knew the challenge

“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.”

This is the Lord’s work

It is comforting to know that we are at work in the Lord’s harvest. This is the Lord’s work and we are a privileged part. Let us pray that God will send the right people to fulfil His own work. Let us also pray for discernment over who would be best suited to meet that need.


The importance of prayer cannot be overstated. Prayer is the foundation of all efforts in the Church. Prayer keeps everything connected to God.

Prayer is vital

Prayer should wrap around volunteer recruitment completely. Pray consistently, intentionally, without stopping & with others for God to send the right people.

Prayer ideas

Personally pray to God about the needs of the parish and be specific. Ask others to pray. Ask for an intention to be added to the prayers of the faithful, newsletter and website. Spread the word about praying for specific needs.

Start with Why

When we want more volunteers we often begin with what needs doing. It is a recognition that more people are needed to do specific activities. However, inspiring leaders start with Why. Beginning with why attracts people who believe in the mission.

Why, What and How

Begin your invitation from the inside out. Start with “Why” then move to “How” and finish with “What”.

Why = the purpose that drives the group/ initiative. How = the approach followed to bring the why to life. What = the specific things that need doing.


[1] Our amazing youth group is making disciples of Jesus (why), by creating opportunities for fun, friendship & faith with interesting mentors (how), would you like to be involved by helping with the games 2x a month (what).

[2] We aim to be a welcoming church (why), by creating social activities where everyone feels welcome (how), I think you would be great at organising teas (what).

Those involved can be your best recruiters

We should all be a part of inviting others to share their gifts. Encourage and enable those already involved to pray for God to meet the needs with the right people. Also ask them to invite others to get involved.

Seeing the gifts of others

It is important to be on the lookout for people that God is calling to more. We can encourage them to get involved with other things according to their gifts. Lookout for people excelling in their gifts or their relationships. E.g. you observe a parent who has a great relationship with their teenager. Could this person be suitable for youth ministry and encouraged to be a part? Or perhaps someone is always welcoming others, perhaps they could suit being a part of welcome ministry for RCIA?

FACT - the type of person

It is important to be on the lookout for the people that God is calling to this. What sort of person? One useful acronym is FACT. Faithful, available, contagious and teachable.