Lent Week 3
How to offer a Zoom Meditation
This method has worked well in providing simple content to parishioners. You will develop your own way of doing this through a process of learning what works best for your group.
A small group of five to ten participants will be very manageable but you may be happy managing a larger group.
Step One: Preparation
Download the scriptural meditation that has been prepared (you will find the link at the bottom of this post, along with an image for you to share). If you are unsure about using Zoom, you can find a simple guide here.
Invite parishioners and friends to the Zoom meeting. Be relaxed and enjoy the opportunity for people to be together in faith. Welcome each person individually and ask them to introduce themselves to the group.
Step Two: Prayer
Assign different people to the various parts.
Begin with a prayer.
Suggested prayer:
Lord Jesus,
Your passion and zeal for justice shone through in the Cleansing of the Temple. What is right and just was not what was done, then and even today. You call us to repentance and a new life of love; help our unbelief.
May our eyes be always on you, Lord, as you rescue our feet from the snare of our temptations (Ps 24). Turn to us Lord and have mercy, give us a pure spirit (Ez 36) and cleanse us from all that separates us from you. Amen.
Step Three: Gospel Reflection
Christ Cleansing the Temple, by El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos), c. 16th century. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., United States
A guided gospel reflection has been provided which can be used individually or with a group.
It is recommended that a volunteer read the chosen passage from the Bible (John 2:13-25) and that the participants follow along in their own Bibles so that they become more comfortable with it, but the facilitator is welcome to use the downloaded sheet. We also have an alternative reflection on John 4 (the story of the Samaritan Woman which is used if parishes are carrying out the ‘scrutinies’ for those seeking Baptism as adults) - see links here and also at bottom of the page.
Before reading for a second time you may wish to read a brief reflection from a commentary.
Ask a reader to read the passage out loud for a second time.
Then introduce five minutes of sacred silence.
Technical Note: It is possible to ‘mute’ all the participants and it is recommended to do so at this time.
Once the five minutes of silence has finished mark this with an appropriate prayer.
Step Four: Sharing Time
Encourage the participants to share their reflections of the Bible passage on which you are meditating.
No one should feel obliged to share but it’s good to remind people that everyone has something to offer.
Technical Note: Zoom has a ‘hands up’ facility which helps so people can take turns sharing. You will know that only one person can speak at a time. So it’s important to be firm with participants so they don’t talk over each other.
Once everyone who wants to has had a chance to share you can finish the meditation with a prayer.