Pilgrimage to Pentecost

The entire Church, as beloved pope John Paul II used to say, is one great movement animated by the Holy Spirit, a river that travels through history to irrigate it with God’s grace and make it full of life, goodness, beauty, justice and peace.
— Pope Benedict XVI, Pentecost Sunday 2006

Pilgrimage to Pentecost

Pilgrimage to Pentecost is a structured six-session programme designed to guide individuals and parishes in a spiritual pilgrimage towards Pentecost, particularly in this Year of Jubilee.

Running during Eastertide from the 2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) to the Saturday after Pentecost Sunday. We have prepared it for the Pilgrimage to Pentecost in the Southwark Archdiocese in 2025, as part of the celebrations for Jubilee 2025 and two significant diocesan anniversaries. However, you could use it in subsequent years during Eastertide or, with suitable adjustments, at another time of the year.    

  • In-person Pilgrimage Day: at The Friars, Aylesford on Pentecost Saturday, 7 June joining with participants from around the diocese and Archbishop John Wilson for our Archdiocesan Jubilee Celebration.

  • Daily Scripture-based reflections: grounded in scripture and tradition (with a Pentecost Novena for the 9 days leading up to Pentecost Sunday).

You can journey on your own or as part of a parish, hub or other group meeting.

Session Talks


Week 1/2nd week of Eastertide


Week 2/3rd week of Eastertide

“Love, creation and delight” God’s love for us

Fr Mark Wharton

Week 3/4th week of Eastertide

“Fall, redemption and freedom”
Dying he destroyed our death

Fr Behruz Rafat


Week 4/5th week of Eastertide

“Called to be an Easter People” Living in the light of the Paschal Mystery

Canon Gerard Bradley

Week 5/6th week of Eastertide

“Called to be a Pentecost People”
Filled with the Holy Spirit and equipped for mission

Fr Joseph Edattu


Week 7/10th week in Ord. Time

“Keeping the fire burning”
How to keep on track

Fr Stephen Langridge

Week 6/Pentecost Saturday 7 June - Archdiocesan Jubilee Celebration Mass - Archbishop John Wilson

More on the Pilgrimage to Pentecost

Pilgrimage Booklet

There is a page for each day of the pilgrimage. Each daily page has a short passage from Scripture, a reflection on the theme, a quote from a pope, saint, Church document or hymn, a prayer and a suggestion for something practical you might do that day.


We are fortunate enough to be partnering with St Anthony Communications to film these sessions to create an easy-to-deliver course for parishes. They will be able to watch at home, or alone, but ideally you will journey together with others on this pilgrimage.

With this in mind we are developing a suite of resources to support the delivery of this course.

In-person Training Day - 5 April - Amigo Hall

Online Training Repeat Session - 8 April

Being a hub

If you are interested in being a hub please email us at southwarkrenewal@rcaos.org.uk

Further questions?

If you have any questions we would be happy to answer them – email us at southwarkrenewal@rcaos.org.uk

Our Speakers


Fr Mark Wharton

Fr Mark was ordained as a Southwark priest in October 2022. He is serving as the Catholic university chaplain at the University of Kent, Canterbury.

Fr Mark originally comes from the North-east and studied with the Dominicans in Oxford before completing his seminary formation at St John’s, Wonersh for the Archdiocese of Southwark.

Fr Mark is particularly interested in how the Moral teaching of the Church can interact with psychology to help people grow in virtue. In his spare time he loves cooking and American Literature.

Fr Behruz Rafat

Father Behruz, known as Father Behr, was ordained a Catholic priest 14 years ago on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Father Behr was born in Tehran, Iran, and grew up in South London. He trained for the Archdiocese of Southwark at Saint John’s Seminary, Wonersh.

He has served in parishes in South London and Kent. Most recently he was a resident priest in Corpus Christi parish in Tonbridge before being appointed as parish priest of Tenterden.

He has a wide range of interests including film, music and literature and enjoys meeting people from all walks of life and all faith backgrounds.

Canon Gerard Bradley

Canon Gerard graduated from King’s College London in 1983, having gained a Batchelor’s degree in Music. He worked for a short period as Assistant Choir Master at Portsmouth (RC) Cathedral and completed formation for priesthood at St John’s Seminary Wonersh.

Ordained as priest in 1991 by Archbishop Michael Bowen, his first post was as assistant priest in St Thomas of Canterbury parish, Rainham.

In September 2000, he was appointed to join the formation staff at St John’s Seminary, Wonersh with responsibility for the Spiritual Formation programme and as house spiritual director. He is now Episcopal Vicar for the South West London area.


Fr Joseph Edattu VC

Fr Joseph serves as the Director of the Divine Retreat Centre UK in Ramsgate. In 2014, Fr Joseph came to the UK as the Administrator and Associate Director of the newly inaugurated Divine Retreat Centre UK, where he has worked tirelessly to spread the Good News.

During the Covid pandemic, Fr Joseph spearheaded the transition to online ministry, starting with the daily livestreaming. Pre-covid, Fr Joseph travelled the globe and has taken the Gospel to countries across the world. Post-Covid, he continues to travel the world virtually, delivering the Good News to tens of thousands daily.

Archbishop John Wilson

Archbishop John was born in Sheffield. He studied for a Bachelor of Arts degree in theology and religious studies at the University of Leeds and began formation for the priesthood for the Diocese of Leeds at the Venerable English College, Rome in 1989.

On 10 June 2019 he was appointed Archbishop of Southwark by Pope Francis on the retirement of Archbishop Peter Smith. His Installation took place in St George’s Cathedral, Southwark, on 25 July 2019, the Feast of St James the Apostle.

Fr Stephen Langridge

Fr Stephen read Philosophy and Theology in Oxford before training for the priesthood in Rome. In addition to a wide parish experience, he has served as full-time Diocesan Vocations Director.

Fr Stephen is currently parish priest of St Elizabeth’s in Richmond, since October 2015. He has a passion for evangelisation and discipleship, and if you ask Fr Stephen to sum up the purpose of the parish, he will say it is to form intentional disciples who joyfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ.