Welcome to the new Agency team members
(L to R) Ann Williams, Fr Marcus Holden, Isabel Fawcett, JJ Hussem, Lissette Jeannet,
Mark Nash, Ingrid La Trobe, Brenden Thompson
We are very happy to announce that, after a round of successful interviews with some very strong candidates, the remaining spots on the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis team have been filled.
Evangelisation and Outreach Advisor
Brenden Thompson, CEO of Catholic Voices, and JJ Hussem, formation lead at the SPEC Centre in the Diocese of Westminster, have taken up the role of Evangelisation Advisor on a job share basis. Between them, Brenden and JJ offer a wide and strong range of experience and skills to support the diocesan mission and the Agency’s activities.
Local Leadership and Resource Coordinator
Isabel Fawcett, previously working at the Emmanuel School of Mission in New York, has joined the team to support the work and contacts of the advisors, deanery mentors and parish leads as our volunteer network develops.
The Team
Fr Marcus Holden (our Episcopal Vicar), Director Dr Mark Nash, Mrs Ingrid La Trobe, Mrs Lissette Jeannet and Mrs Ann Williams comprise the rest of the Agency team which serves the Archdiocese and her parishes in areas of Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation.
Fuller biographical details of each member of the Agency can be found on the Team page of this website.