Brothers and Sisters All: Fratelli Tutti


On Saturday 3 October, on his fifth visit to Assisi, Pope Francis signed a new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti.

The opening words of Fratelli Tutti means ‘All brothers’ in Italian and are taken from the writings of St. Francis, one of the major inspirations for Pope Francis’ third encyclical which is on the themes of fraternity and social friendship. The full text of the encyclical, the third of Pope Francis’ pontificate was released on Sunday 4 October, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. 

Above you will find a short 5 -minute video introduction. Below you will find links for the encyclical itself, a long summary by Vatican News (posted on the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales’ website) and a series of 9 posters highlighting the major themes of each chapter, produced by the Irish Bishops’ Conference.

Note: Papal Encyclicals are typically a letter written by a Pope to a particular audience of Bishops. This audience of Bishops may be all of the Bishops in a specific country or all of the Bishops in all countries throughout the world. Fratelli Tutti is pointedly addressed as an ‘invitation to dialogue among all people of good will’.


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